Monday 1 January 2018


                                        Benefits of Drinking Turmeric with Milk

Benefits of Drinking Turmeric with Milk and Honey

The abundance of nutrients in turmeric, honey and milk make it as one of best healer of certain health problems. these are the list of benefits which provided by turmeric milk and honey tonic.

Prevent Cancer

Turmeric, milk and honey contains antioxidant and many active substances that can prevent from free radicals damage which can cause cancer. Some studies reported that turmeric can promote cells apoptosis (a process which trigger self destruction of the cancer cells). Combine with honey and milk, this drink will be best cancer fighter.

Relieve muscle pain

A Research which publish in Journal of the International Society for Sports Medicine found found that turmeric contain curcumin which could decrease muscle pain after heavy or moderate activity. Honey can soothes the muscle stiffness while milk can help to calm the muscle. It is suggested to drink combination of turmeric, honey and milk if you experience muscle pain.

Promote better digestion

Turmeric and honey are well known for their benefits in protecting body organs function. They can protect the organs such as digestion tract lining from developing ulcer. This may help the body to digest the food better. milk can also be considered as probiotic food which is help to maintain good bacteria in gut and help the digestion process.

Cleanse blood

Our blood is usually fill with toxin and other harmful substance such as allergen and chemical. The tonic which composed by turmeric, milk and honey can help to clean the kidney and resulting clean blood circulation. It flushes away the toxin and chemical elements from the body.based this function, we can call this drink as detoxifier.

Protect the kidney

By removing the toxin and other harmful substance from kidney, it may give benefits to the kidney itself. Drink the combination of turmeric, honey and milk regularly will help you to keep the kidney health.

Relieve cough

Drinking turmeric mixed with honey and milk can help to relieve cough when you don’t have any cough syrup at home, it is one of best remedies of cough since it has function to soothes the muscle of respiratory tract and treat the inflammation in throat.

Help in weight loss

Turmeric and honey have a great effect in fat metabolism and can help to reduce weight. Turmeric can break down the fat and flushes it away from the body by increase the production of bile. Drinking turmeric with honey and milk can provide more energy that will keep you from hunger and eating heavy meals.

Treat eye inflammation

Almost all inflammation in the body can be treated by drinking turmeric milk. Turmeric and honey milk has benefits is treating inflammation by inhibit the production of leukotrienes ( a protein which induce inflammation) including inflammation that occur in the eye.

Treat asthma

Again the anti-inflammatory properties in in turmeric honey milk combination can help to reduce asthma. It is believed that drinking this tonic may help to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms.

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